Hey guys,
Well,all is sort of finally calming down.Only thing now is finding a new apartment.I have to find one by Nov 1sy or else I'm out on my ass.There's a cheap place in my hometown,but damn it! I swore I'd never return.Then again,we do what we must for survival.At least I know the fucking area.That's a plus...wow,for the first time in my life I'm being optimistic.Sooo,Tarnish sent in some of my photos to Bad Ass Betties and they excepted me!!! Now I just have to go down to her place and do a few more things and were set.It makes me happy when someone says I'm pretty.I light up like a little fucking girl.
Yes, I know i'm lame.Well I'm off.
Well,all is sort of finally calming down.Only thing now is finding a new apartment.I have to find one by Nov 1sy or else I'm out on my ass.There's a cheap place in my hometown,but damn it! I swore I'd never return.Then again,we do what we must for survival.At least I know the fucking area.That's a plus...wow,for the first time in my life I'm being optimistic.Sooo,Tarnish sent in some of my photos to Bad Ass Betties and they excepted me!!! Now I just have to go down to her place and do a few more things and were set.It makes me happy when someone says I'm pretty.I light up like a little fucking girl.

i think everyone lights up when they're told they're pretty.. . .but regaurdless. . .you're pretty!
Either would be nice indeed. However NYC is so lovely this time of year, cold air and leaves changing color, spending time indoors to keep warm! Looked for ya at Bad Ass Betties. No dice, perhaps your set goes up in the future? Hope your new apartment works out. I'm in the market for a new place on the Lower Eastside, too expensive though for a beautiful and hip area that is also swarming w/ gangstas, drug addicts and hookers. I dig spending time in seedy, shit ass areas but not to keen on living there. Hope you are well. LATER!