uurgh! I'm not having the nicest of times at the moment. I've spent the day trying and failing in everything I do; I've managed to cry in the bank, outside the bank, in the library etc. I'm like a walking cry-ghost, it's a bit pathetic really! But the bitch in the library wouldn't let me take out any of the fucking fifteen books I urgently need because i'm over my fines by a fiver. No one in any department of my bank is admitting culpability with regards to my money and I'm seriously considering becoming an old lady and keeping my cash in my knicker draw. My tutor's being pretty useless. I had to miss our appointment today because he was running an hour late and I had other stuff to do (and fail at). So i'm Grumpatron at the moment!
Other than that my life has consisted of inappropriate fun times with boys, innapropriate non fun times with cunts of boys, lusting over material things I can't have (from tuna to kenneth jay lane jewellery, from rizla to an x-pole, i'm a wanter sometimes).
Anyone got any mega credit crunch tips? At the moment 'whoring' is my best answer. Trashbat.
Other than that my life has consisted of inappropriate fun times with boys, innapropriate non fun times with cunts of boys, lusting over material things I can't have (from tuna to kenneth jay lane jewellery, from rizla to an x-pole, i'm a wanter sometimes).
Anyone got any mega credit crunch tips? At the moment 'whoring' is my best answer. Trashbat.
Doesn't sound too good my dear, I wish I had some solutions for you, trying to find them for myself atm. Good luck.
Sell something? Preferably not your body. I almost sold one of my trombones once... glad I didn't do it though.