sigh, i must sell my camera. I'm dearly poor. The pub can't give me enough shifts so i'm trying to keep two of us going on 40 a week and it's most difficult. It's a barely used Canon EOS 400D, current prices are about 400 for the kit i've got which is the basic one they sell at Dixons. If anyone is fortunate enough to have between 250 and 300 kicking about, a yen for a practically new SLR and a benevolent soul, I might be your charitable cause! Please? sigh.
My hobo neighbour Emma's birthday has been and gone, I can't afford the FIMO for making the anime Vegan Power warrior version of her;
I find it easier to romanticise and take the edge off being poor in winter..
My hobo neighbour Emma's birthday has been and gone, I can't afford the FIMO for making the anime Vegan Power warrior version of her;

I find it easier to romanticise and take the edge off being poor in winter..
I like this. I hope it amuses.
nopantsdave:'s life and how are you?