- on queenbeeuk's blog post
- on queenbeeuk's blog post
- on queenbeeuk's blog post
- on jacinto2's post on queenbeeuk's page
- on nj73's page
- on whatthethok's page
Hello again, beautiful people!
It's been a couple days, I'm awful, but I had in intense weekend between a jam on Friday (where I gave my first go to the drums and quite enjoyed it), a fucking amazing gig on Saturday (I'm sore and covered in bruises) and dinner out with my partner on Sunday. The worst was the Sunday, as we drunk waaay too...
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So, my friend wanted to shoot my "true colours". Well... he wasn't disappointed and I love them!
Hello beautiful people!!
Here again to tell you, this time, about my last time going to Spain and, as Murphy said "Anything can go wrong, does"... or worst, in my case! So, get comfy once again and let's start this how with the epiness it should be.
It was a dark a rainy nigh in London (Like, seriously, when doesn't rain here?!) and left the...
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Hello, beautiful people from SG!
I'm quite ashamed of saying this but... this is my first ever blog, so it may be a bit of a disaster! (hopefully not!) but I'm so excited!
As I was checking the blog homework and liked one of them... 10 ramdon facts about me, although there might be more, I'm quite ramdon myself. So, get yourself comfy and let's...
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