Im working 2-cl tonight(930)....which isnt bad.....but tomorrow i have to work 11-930...that will be a long day.....then thursday i work 2-930 then friday i finally get a day off.....woooooooo!!!! smile me and my hunnie may go to bingo or rent the ring 2 i heard it was good......any comments on the movie and i would appreciate it....

i actually may be looking for a new job...
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have to work 12-930 again today puke had to work 12- 930 yesterday and tuesday but today is going to suck the most because its thursday which is the busiest night of the week and its also the 5th of the month....which is the HORRID food stamp day......you wouldnt believe how busy and gross the 5th of the month is.. puke puke puke but thank god i have tomorrow...
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I survived it! Hope you embraced the New Year a lot better than I did.
That sounded like a pretty terrifying dream you had. When you ran away from those guys did you feel like you couldn't run as fast as you were capable of?
That's a damn scary dream. I find dreams like that often say something about my emotional/psychological state... but I also find that unless I make an effort, I forget dreams in a matter of minutes after waking up...

I'd reccomend maybe trying to get the dream analysed, or at least grab one of those "Meaning of Dreams" books (coz even though they are generally a load of crap, they give you a rough idea of what may be going through your head).

Or you could just shrug it off...
hey all so sorry i havent written in awhile .....hope everyone is well and had a good new years......and wanted to say happy belated birthday to the lovely edea and the lovely wugglyump ...... smile smile smile smile

also i had a great thanksgiving and a wonderful christmas, and an awesome new years......

now that im back home i have a job at a deli in a grocery store.....its...
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i'm glad you're active on the site again, it's my only means of stalking you. i heard about your mother, and i was shocked (and worried). i'm also glad she's okay. i hope you're well sweetums. and i am glad that generally things are going well for you!
thank you for the happy birthday!
i just got my computer like a week ago......Vegas sucks to live in.....good for vacationing though.......

i just got the tape of rescue me my bfs mother sent to us......that was the most emotional season ever........it was good but it made me cry......it was sooooooo sad........i cannot wait until next season.....i cant believe this season is over......they should last longer lol.....well i gotta go have...
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hope you have a happy turkey day smile
********goodbye all**************

i am moving across country in 4 days......and when i get there we wont be getting online for a little bit.......so i will probably not be on here for atleast a month...maybe two.........i hope all of you do well and have great days......and i will drive carefully....and ill miss all of you "dq" cool people....so see ya later!!! smile
Be safe on your trip and have a good time!! smile
Be safe on your trip and have a good time!! smile
i needed saturday off......so i was going to switch with someone....well my mom told my boss that i was going to call out so make sure he had someone to work that day.....whos mom like basically tells on them??????.....newayz i wasnt just going to quit i was going to get someone to switch friday for saturday......cuz my boss called left a message saying i had...
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dave called me even to ask if i could work saturday and have off friday.
i wish you LUCK frown and you are a good person, i hope your next job it something you'll actually enjoy.
fuck DQ man, i don't blame you for "hitting the ole dusty trail"! biggrin
whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever ....this is about one person.......hmmmmmm i know .....you may not but i do thats all that matters
yea what she said...we dont hate you shit head tongue haha j/k ...no worries...heck, i dont blame you... i'd do the same thing! i actually got some good news from dave today, and im surprised! it's all good yo...enjoy the time you have left sweetie!! kiss
what happened? if you don't work, whatever, life at the DQ wont suffer.... i just hopr YOU are ok... call me if you need anything.
whatever whatever my birthday was alright......i wanted to thank all of you who wished me a happy birthday....next year will be much better........poker in the casino....oh ya baby..... smile smile

like two more weeks until i move to las vegas....im scared nervous excited happy.....and sad.......lol if that all makes sense:

scared:that something will happen on the drive out there..scared that something could happen here and i couldnt get back...
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dont even worry about it...you need that time with the family and friends. I know how you feel about the move..me having gone through it myself..its hard , but you can do it! I beleive in you biggrin
i believe you'll be going to the bbq. dave called me today to see if i could work saturday. i said yes.

have a good night at work. smile
at least i'm pretty sure you're getting it off. i hope you are.
yesterday was my day off.....and it was by far the best day off in history.....

i slept 12 hours...woke up at 4pm..way later then i planned but it was awesome......then went online and discovered yahtzee......i love that game......then went down to get some yummy ice coffee...came home for dinner...my favorite....broccolli (however you spell it) and cheese in a chicken breast.....mmm....then me and my love left to...
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happy birthday! you little dickens!
Happy birthday biotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kiss
i am sooo exhausted.....it was extremely busy at work today.....which makes me very tired......thank god i have tomorrow off....im planning on going to the beach!!!....with my sand toys from d.q. lol.......im going to have fun......

and today(thursday)is 11months since me and my love met so hopefully well go out to dinner......since our 11months of us going out together is wednesday....and i dont have wednesdays off.....

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hope he does something special for you blackeyed
i hope so too i was already synical enough as it was ...but its been a few days now and i'm starting to think clearer .
thanks for the message smile