well bye bye frown frown it was fun while it lasted ill see ya all later.....have a nice life
you okay poop?
gotta work today....2-930 i use to get fridays off...i liked that alot.....but oh well..then i do my regular overnight on sat. 9pm to 7am.....then i get my schedule for next week sun morning....damn ass....cant you give it to us before the week starts??? wouldnt that make a little too much sense?

im currently hungry...i need to go get some lunch..OR brunch or whatever its called....FOOD...
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i have to work today whatever which sucks to me....ONLY because i havent worked much this week my boss had to cut some hours for a few weeks so i only got 27.5 hours....with three days off.....i love the days off but if you dont work for awhile its like damn i dont want to go back lol.

so yes the superbowl was wacked and i...
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usually if you are getting 5,000 or less back, they won't penalize you! good luck!
GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!! of couse i wish the patriots would have made it.......but the seahawks have never won a superbowl so they def. should win.......plus i hate the steelers........

going to watch the game hopefully its a good one........well have fun all!!! smile
I would've preferred Oakland but hey, I am happy to see the bus get a ring!! smile I've gone through a couple of classic rock bands from the stones to jimi but never really got into the who. I don't know why. they have an amazing drummer. Is there a particular album you think I should check out?
YAYAYAYAYA......today i work 2-930....and then my day off starts YAAA...... then i dont have to punch in for almost 48 hours.....because i dont go in until 9pm saturday and work till 7 am sunday morning.....then i asked for monday off......but theres a def problem..i forgot i asked thur off for a doctors appt.......damn im screwed .....but i guess ill have to try and weasel around...
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Cool! smile Kicking off the weekend already....
well that just sucks now doesnt it? they launch the new messaging thing today and i get kicked off tomorrow....lmao......but newayz incase any of you care......i have a myspace account so you can reach me there or you can reach me on aim at queenb82704 if any of would like to talk to me..............have fun all be safe smile
hey puddin, you're still around! marvelous!
That sucks!!! frown Change is constant and i guess this is another example of that. I wish i was into my space but unfortunatley I'm not. But would love to keep up the communication. smile
Take care........... wink
well i did call out of work yesterday it was good because i rested my back,took a nap, took tylenol 3 times and took 3 showers.......guess what? my back hurts this morning too.......i already scheduled a doctors appt for feb 2. so i dont know if im going to wait to go then or im going to go before that.......cuz something is wrong and i...
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don't go buttface, you had been inactive for sooo long! i really hope that things turn out well with the doctor. maybe this will be the time they find out something. there are exercises you can do for lower back pain, that are supposed to help.

so be okay please.
wow im in pain...........my back is killing me soooooo bad and i wish i could call out of work.........fuck i cant frown
do you think maybe it's time to go to a doctor for your pain, champ?

one more day.!!!!!!!!!!!then i get friday off!!!.....wooo

but i just took the overnight which means....i most likely will work m-f whatever time he wants me to work....then saturday night i work 9pm to 7am...to clean almost everything.....i like it because i get almost all of saturday off....and i get all of sunday off which my hunnie gets saturdays and sundays off.....so i can spend more...
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Looks like your're off! smile Today is basically my Monday but i don't have to work nights anymore.
whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever
how have you been?