Home again, phew.
A highlight of the trip was certainly visiting Sadie. My photos aren't done yet, but you can see us here:SexySadie
The woman is my hero. What more can I say?
Yes! There is: And an all-too short Picnic sighting. Sorry if I didn't meet you, or rambled at any of youse SGs out there.... Mod night + and old flame + gin = lots of shimmying a la Ann Margaret pour moi.
Must dash. Viewing Vivia las Vegas with Erin and the gang... And MJ. Oh, my MJ...
A highlight of the trip was certainly visiting Sadie. My photos aren't done yet, but you can see us here:SexySadie
The woman is my hero. What more can I say?

Yes! There is: And an all-too short Picnic sighting. Sorry if I didn't meet you, or rambled at any of youse SGs out there.... Mod night + and old flame + gin = lots of shimmying a la Ann Margaret pour moi.
Must dash. Viewing Vivia las Vegas with Erin and the gang... And MJ. Oh, my MJ...
I am a Hero to The Almighty Queena??
Does that mean I am to be 'knighted' by you? (I can supply the furs for you!!! I KNOW you would look just DEE-Vine in the Arctic Wolf stole! LOL!)
You know...I just did NOT get enough of you Doll, and I really enjoyed meeting and having Erin as a Guest as well...I REALLY am looking foward to another visit, or who knows? I am getting the first of the checks this month or so...who knows where the wind will take me!
So...How are the fliks?? Did they work out and play perfectly for you? Like we agreed on: IF ONLY WE HAD MORE TIME!!!
We shall because it is willed so, Right???
X's to Erin, and Slimy Smooches galore for you...
I am on here as much as I can...But not as much as I should be right now...So, Don't forget about me...I am not dead, only Zombified!
(I LOATHE this gal!!!)