Phew. I mangaed to find some sound files to use for Marilyn... thank goodness!
My friend Erin came to visit this weekend. Lots of fun girl talk and silliness to be had by all. Her roommate is dating my roommate - so cute and idyllic together! He came to stay as well, and we all ate Vietnamese food and watched Hair and Fellini's Roma. I even practiced my show numbers for all our houseguests.
Unfortunately, I had to go and do some scene painting on Electra in the midst of all this funnness - practicum hours. But I got to wear my paintey overalls and get covered in all kinds of latex white paint. I love the smell of wet paint, especially latex.
Today, I have a critique in my design class- then all sorts of reading and homework.
Happy week, kids.
My friend Erin came to visit this weekend. Lots of fun girl talk and silliness to be had by all. Her roommate is dating my roommate - so cute and idyllic together! He came to stay as well, and we all ate Vietnamese food and watched Hair and Fellini's Roma. I even practiced my show numbers for all our houseguests.

Unfortunately, I had to go and do some scene painting on Electra in the midst of all this funnness - practicum hours. But I got to wear my paintey overalls and get covered in all kinds of latex white paint. I love the smell of wet paint, especially latex.
Today, I have a critique in my design class- then all sorts of reading and homework.
Happy week, kids.

We HAVE Been Plannin to Do A Doobie and And Vincent Night For OH-SO-Long Now...Just A Matter Of Time, I suppose...Too Bad That, Even Though He ISN'T The Mad Scientist In THE FLY...But Those Transporters Sure would come in handy To Getcha Here and Back in Time For School!! It'd Be Nice To Have A GalPal Around...I have Like ONE GalPal...and I have Known her since I was 16...Still see her though...Especially since she Lost EVERYTHING, Her Job, Her Life, And Her Fiancee in Indonesia over The Holidays (She Works There as An Interpreter for Dignitaries...Fortunately Though...She was with her Mum...In Victorie...When It All went down...Seems Like I have 2 Great Gals Who's Mum's are In Victorie...Hmmm)
Thanks For Your Well Wishes...I am actually doin Okay...I just Hope I get to see her before the whole thing goes down...I haven't mentioned it to anyone else, except for D., and Well..To Tell You the truth, The ONLY reason I shared anyhing THAT personal in here was so People could Understand Why I might be a Bit weird about being around ...I am either in shock...or just dealing with this well because of my Beliefs. WHO FUCKIN KNOWS!?!
It was actually REALLY good to hear from you...I Know you are Busy, But I also Hope You Know That You ARE expected Here this Spring...and I cannot wait.
THE BAT...Yeah...Thats with Ms. Moorehead...EXCELLENT Actress Agnes, I LOVE her in The Original SHADOW Radio Shows (I Love ALOT of Radio Shows actually, and there is A Station Here that actually Plays 3 Hours from Midnight to 3 am EVERY Night...Vincent Doin Simon Templar shows up quite a bit actually, and Of course in Many Other radio Shows...)
Well..I am SO SORRY for The Long Entry...I supose THATS what E-Mails are for...But It Just seems like Forever since we talked..
I Hope Your Electra Turns Out as Beautifual and Strong as You...The way it Should Be...
Thanks Again Doll, Slimy Smear Of Smooches...