I am NOT fatale as an after-dinner mint!...
Does anyone get this reference? Sigh.
Feeling still outta place in this town - and starting to look forward to picking up all the pieces of me... starting new classes, and living life in general. This town is like a waiting room for me, I swear. The distractions (yes, all of you!) are lovely - but the air failry reeks of melancholy. Or maybe that's just me...
Bah. Have also all but given up on the opposite sex; I'm not a failed femme fatale, but am suffering from a lack of Bogart-esque males. There are too manytfuckwits masquerading as shimmery knights. And as mentioned in previous journals, I am drawn to shiny things.
In honour of which, here is:
... Because there's not a windmill yet I haven't tilted at.
And there are oh so many more to tilt at.

Does anyone get this reference? Sigh.
Feeling still outta place in this town - and starting to look forward to picking up all the pieces of me... starting new classes, and living life in general. This town is like a waiting room for me, I swear. The distractions (yes, all of you!) are lovely - but the air failry reeks of melancholy. Or maybe that's just me...
Bah. Have also all but given up on the opposite sex; I'm not a failed femme fatale, but am suffering from a lack of Bogart-esque males. There are too manytfuckwits masquerading as shimmery knights. And as mentioned in previous journals, I am drawn to shiny things.
In honour of which, here is:

... Because there's not a windmill yet I haven't tilted at.
And there are oh so many more to tilt at.

Have a safe trip back to Edmonton tomorrow.
[Edited on Jan 07, 2005 4:52PM]
The moment a guy starts the knight act up towards a girl I start to look for the fuckwitnesses.
I hope things go smoother for you on your way back to Edmonton..