A weekend of wierd hours, lots of weed and perogies, countless hours spent listening to Belle & Sebastian - and I managed to get all my homework done.
Today was also my aforemention presentation on the set/costume designer, Maria Bjornson. She's the one who designed Phantom. I was pretty nervous.
At the end of the presentation, Kerry and I took off our sweaters to reveal...
A pair of chandelier pasties on Kerry and a pair of glittery Phantom mask pasties on me!!!
(They were stitched to camisoles; I would have gone topless, but wasn't too sure about my prof's reaction. It turns out he liked it, though.)
It was our grand finale to hammer home to point that Maria's designs were about SPECTACLE.
Ha ha ha.
So now if I can get through the next few weekends of school, I'll be great. Must take photos of the glittery Phantom pasties for you lot (and my own benefit), too.
Note: I didn't draw those pictures I posted last time. Picasso did.
I've done redrawings of them, but cannot claim his genius as my own.
Thankfully, I have my own genius.
A weekend of wierd hours, lots of weed and perogies, countless hours spent listening to Belle & Sebastian - and I managed to get all my homework done.

Today was also my aforemention presentation on the set/costume designer, Maria Bjornson. She's the one who designed Phantom. I was pretty nervous.
At the end of the presentation, Kerry and I took off our sweaters to reveal...
A pair of chandelier pasties on Kerry and a pair of glittery Phantom mask pasties on me!!!
(They were stitched to camisoles; I would have gone topless, but wasn't too sure about my prof's reaction. It turns out he liked it, though.)
It was our grand finale to hammer home to point that Maria's designs were about SPECTACLE.

Ha ha ha.
So now if I can get through the next few weekends of school, I'll be great. Must take photos of the glittery Phantom pasties for you lot (and my own benefit), too.
Note: I didn't draw those pictures I posted last time. Picasso did.
I've done redrawings of them, but cannot claim his genius as my own.
Thankfully, I have my own genius.

curry can mean so much ... sounds like a very british answer to me
you are truely a goddess