Last night, Tom and I headed out to New City.
It was either stay in and watch more Marlon Brando movies (and sigh like a furnace, fooling myself that I'm doing homework). Saturdays have become a fun time to go out; and they usually play at least one of my requests (last night it was Social Distortion - wahoo!). So, we went.
We ran into some friends from the theatre program, and we danced like maniacs.
One of my favourite things to do while dancing is to mime and interact with the people I'm dancing with... It's no fun unless we're laughing, I say. Speaking of dancing, I want these shoes:
Sweet wedgies! I might be better about making it to lindy class if I had these... Plus, dancing in red shoes is so loaded - but maybe I've read the Red Shoes too many times...
Also ran into misguided,_soleil_and dire_romantic. They're all just as lovely in person.
As per what is fast becoming a Saturday ritual, I had three and a half pints and headbanged lots(so my neck is sore today). I also danced with this strange punk boy with coloured contacts. I decided his predatorial approach was best met with showing no fear (apparently punks can smell that miles aways). He continued to make eyes at me, and make wierd bitey gestures. I stuck out my tongue and pranced to the washroom.
Tom and I heartlessly made fun of a poor bugger trying to dance. He looked like he had something going up his bum, or coming out of it. Sometimes it seemed as though there was a constant influx happening.
Either way, it assuaged our need to cattily watch others dance to lesser songs. (ie. ones we weren't dancing to).
He was a....
Ta, kids.
Good look at Sadie's set. She's my HERO!
It was either stay in and watch more Marlon Brando movies (and sigh like a furnace, fooling myself that I'm doing homework). Saturdays have become a fun time to go out; and they usually play at least one of my requests (last night it was Social Distortion - wahoo!). So, we went.
We ran into some friends from the theatre program, and we danced like maniacs.

One of my favourite things to do while dancing is to mime and interact with the people I'm dancing with... It's no fun unless we're laughing, I say. Speaking of dancing, I want these shoes:

Sweet wedgies! I might be better about making it to lindy class if I had these... Plus, dancing in red shoes is so loaded - but maybe I've read the Red Shoes too many times...
Also ran into misguided,_soleil_and dire_romantic. They're all just as lovely in person.

As per what is fast becoming a Saturday ritual, I had three and a half pints and headbanged lots(so my neck is sore today). I also danced with this strange punk boy with coloured contacts. I decided his predatorial approach was best met with showing no fear (apparently punks can smell that miles aways). He continued to make eyes at me, and make wierd bitey gestures. I stuck out my tongue and pranced to the washroom.
Tom and I heartlessly made fun of a poor bugger trying to dance. He looked like he had something going up his bum, or coming out of it. Sometimes it seemed as though there was a constant influx happening.

Ta, kids.
Good look at Sadie's set. She's my HERO!

...THERE! See?? Well..I guess when you don't have pink don't get the Queens respect...Well Gee..NOW look at me...NOW...I have no SKIN!! GREAT...Women..See what they can make ya do? You are wanted for pics and info Miss...You know where..and you DEFINATELY know how...OOogaBOOoga
Love the shoes, you definetley need them!!
I think this site is my version of Brando movies. I keet logging on and ignoring the piano practice I should be doing.