Hello love bugs!!!
I have quite a lot of photos to dump on you so lets start with the 4th of July shall I...
OK so Special Edition 4th of July Undies...

So... on the 4th of July I had a little mishap with a Pop-Bottle. I pulled the string and instead of exploding fun festive confetti it... exploded in my hand. Yea, it fired the wrong way. I got a little burned but other than that I am 100% A-OK!

Ok so Saturday I was lucky enough to spend the day with SoBelle. She was shooting her friend from the tattoo shop and I was lucky enough to get to watch. Yes this shoot was for SG and no the lovely lady does not have a SG Name yet. So, we shall all wait on Pins and Needles. But, I have a few sneak peeks for you!!

So, after the shoot I...GOT MY NOSE PIERCED!!!! SoBelle was awesome to film it!

Clearly...I am a super bleeder!!

Ok so now were up to today!! SUNDIES!!!

And then Aerie came over for some hookah and we took a Sundies together!!

Love that girl! She has the best ass!!
OK so this Wednesday was wet Wednesday... I took a crack at it.

Also this week I got two amazing gifts from friends on the site:

A cute pinup dress!! So excited!!
Aannnddd... BAM!

Ok so I should have a very special/exciting news coming very very very soon!! So, bear with me. Its going to be awesome!
Ok my loves, that is all for me!!
Love you!
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I have quite a lot of photos to dump on you so lets start with the 4th of July shall I...
OK so Special Edition 4th of July Undies...

So... on the 4th of July I had a little mishap with a Pop-Bottle. I pulled the string and instead of exploding fun festive confetti it... exploded in my hand. Yea, it fired the wrong way. I got a little burned but other than that I am 100% A-OK!

Ok so Saturday I was lucky enough to spend the day with SoBelle. She was shooting her friend from the tattoo shop and I was lucky enough to get to watch. Yes this shoot was for SG and no the lovely lady does not have a SG Name yet. So, we shall all wait on Pins and Needles. But, I have a few sneak peeks for you!!

So, after the shoot I...GOT MY NOSE PIERCED!!!! SoBelle was awesome to film it!

Clearly...I am a super bleeder!!

Ok so now were up to today!! SUNDIES!!!

And then Aerie came over for some hookah and we took a Sundies together!!

Love that girl! She has the best ass!!

OK so this Wednesday was wet Wednesday... I took a crack at it.

Also this week I got two amazing gifts from friends on the site:

A cute pinup dress!! So excited!!
Aannnddd... BAM!

Ok so I should have a very special/exciting news coming very very very soon!! So, bear with me. Its going to be awesome!
Ok my loves, that is all for me!!
Love you!

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Oh my jeebus that jersey!!!!!!!! Luuuuuckyyyyyyy!!!!!!
You are too cool. The nose ring looks fantastic, those are some great gifts you got there, wet or dry your still one of the most beautiful girls on here and I just love your Sundies pictures. I do agree that Aerie has an amazing ass but I can't get enough of your's, I just love that ass. The rest of you is pretty fantastic too,