Le sigh, this is what I get for not listening to my gut.
I mentioned getting my vertical hood pierced a little bit ago, and all was going swimmingly. Very little pain, no infection of the piercing despite an errant yeastly attack. Took care of it, and it seemed pretty decent. I've checked up on it, and it seemed a little shallow. To which end I thought.... well, Jenn did say you had a small hood, it prolly no big deal. I looked closer at it a few days ago, and it looks like she skimmed the hood, and didn't get the placement right. I don't think it's rejecting, there's no crud or anything..... it just looks poorly placed.
I was nervous from get go, my friend Jenn did it in my kitchen, who was/is a piercer/tattoo artist, with proper tools and training and everything. Everything was clean and up to standard..... I had no doubts on that. I asked all the questions, she's done 30+ before, including her own, more than once. So it's not like I got some hack in my bits..... but in my pre-piercing research, I came across procedural stuff that looked like the best method was a receiving tube, not clamps. This was from an APP board-member's website, so very trustworthy. When I asked about it, Jenn told me exactly how she does it..... with clamps. That kinda perked my ears a bit, but I trusted her, she's a dear friend, and wouldn't do anything dumb, it'll be fine, she knows what she's doing. Now, in hindsight, I should have said something when I got it done. She had trouble with the clamps, cause of the aforementioned small hood. And they were plastic ones.... kinda big for a clit hood. So when she was having trouble, I should have followed my gut and said no, get a receiving tube and do it right. Now, I think I need to take it out, and get it redone.... not too happy about that at all. Le sigh............ I'll do it again in a heartbeat, but still, not cool, I don't like having to take out piercings. Le sigh.......
Lesson learned. Go back to Ian, who knows his stuff n stuff, or talk to Trina when in need of piercing advice. No more bad piercings. No more listening to roomie Jess, who insists that Jenn is the best piercer on the planet (Jess is wrong about most things anyway).

I mentioned getting my vertical hood pierced a little bit ago, and all was going swimmingly. Very little pain, no infection of the piercing despite an errant yeastly attack. Took care of it, and it seemed pretty decent. I've checked up on it, and it seemed a little shallow. To which end I thought.... well, Jenn did say you had a small hood, it prolly no big deal. I looked closer at it a few days ago, and it looks like she skimmed the hood, and didn't get the placement right. I don't think it's rejecting, there's no crud or anything..... it just looks poorly placed.
I was nervous from get go, my friend Jenn did it in my kitchen, who was/is a piercer/tattoo artist, with proper tools and training and everything. Everything was clean and up to standard..... I had no doubts on that. I asked all the questions, she's done 30+ before, including her own, more than once. So it's not like I got some hack in my bits..... but in my pre-piercing research, I came across procedural stuff that looked like the best method was a receiving tube, not clamps. This was from an APP board-member's website, so very trustworthy. When I asked about it, Jenn told me exactly how she does it..... with clamps. That kinda perked my ears a bit, but I trusted her, she's a dear friend, and wouldn't do anything dumb, it'll be fine, she knows what she's doing. Now, in hindsight, I should have said something when I got it done. She had trouble with the clamps, cause of the aforementioned small hood. And they were plastic ones.... kinda big for a clit hood. So when she was having trouble, I should have followed my gut and said no, get a receiving tube and do it right. Now, I think I need to take it out, and get it redone.... not too happy about that at all. Le sigh............ I'll do it again in a heartbeat, but still, not cool, I don't like having to take out piercings. Le sigh.......
Lesson learned. Go back to Ian, who knows his stuff n stuff, or talk to Trina when in need of piercing advice. No more bad piercings. No more listening to roomie Jess, who insists that Jenn is the best piercer on the planet (Jess is wrong about most things anyway).

The first paragraph of my blog was inspired by how many times I go to a blog of a Hopeful or an SG to compliment them and they are talking about how often they have been cheated on. I am not in a posiiton to post "Hey, I just anted to compliment you for this thing you said on this grup and lose that guy." This sneaking around hurts everyone. There are a lot of really good men out there when women tire of guys running around on them.
The second part I was chanelling my first girl friend, who was married in a (first) Gulf War wedding and went to her honeymoon bed a virgin. Instead of trying to deal with that ratinally, he goes all Tarzan on her and really hurts her. Nor does he ever change his style. Men are not zebras; we cannot have sex from four feet away. You can look your partner in the eyes, and she clearly did not enjoy herself. Instead of just thinking about what a great stud he was, he should have talked to her. She did leave him, which was waht he deserved, but now this incredible woman is very sex negative.
I am sorry for spewing venom on your blog. These men just make me so mad!
Is there any hope of another Hopeful set from you?
I understand exactly why you are hesitiant to post another Hopeful set. One of my all time favorite Hopefuls left for similar reasons. She did not really want to be a SuicideGirl; she just had negative body issues, entirely unjustified. I had suggested that she classify her blogs and pictures as "Friends Only." On hindsight, I doubt that would be an option once a Hoprful set reaches MR.
Pity, becasue you are beautiful.
I have asked my girlfriend to consider it, and was met with a flat no. Come to think of it, most of my requests are answered in that vein.