Ah.... and the crash....
Yes friends, it's time for me to mope, somewhat. I've discovered just how much I hate panic attacks (really? why me?) and that I cannot handle the amount of stress I put myself under. Lesson? Take it MUCH slower..... Now, does it solve the problem of me not being able to finish all the assignments for this semester? Nope! But this is where I (once again) beg and plead for mercy in an attempt to not make this semester be a total wash! Can I please break the cycle of disastrous school related events and just effin graduate? Please?
And because I refuse to be a complete mope....

While sitting in my favorite coffee shop chasing some happy (and getting some work done), I discovered this looking up knitting patterns for Christmas ornaments..... so I now must make an octopus tree ornament! Just because!
This in and of itself helps make up for the supremely shitty day that yesterday was. Ambulance rides, and sitting in a hospital bed! Not exactly in my plans for world domination through crafts.....
ANYWAY, I doubt anyone will... but....
Just in case, and who knows. Stranger things have happened.
Yes friends, it's time for me to mope, somewhat. I've discovered just how much I hate panic attacks (really? why me?) and that I cannot handle the amount of stress I put myself under. Lesson? Take it MUCH slower..... Now, does it solve the problem of me not being able to finish all the assignments for this semester? Nope! But this is where I (once again) beg and plead for mercy in an attempt to not make this semester be a total wash! Can I please break the cycle of disastrous school related events and just effin graduate? Please?
And because I refuse to be a complete mope....

While sitting in my favorite coffee shop chasing some happy (and getting some work done), I discovered this looking up knitting patterns for Christmas ornaments..... so I now must make an octopus tree ornament! Just because!
This in and of itself helps make up for the supremely shitty day that yesterday was. Ambulance rides, and sitting in a hospital bed! Not exactly in my plans for world domination through crafts.....
ANYWAY, I doubt anyone will... but....
Just in case, and who knows. Stranger things have happened.
Hey you... um where are you?? And the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus huh... wow. Talk about strange. Here all this time i just assumed they were safe. Im so out of touch with things these days.

Mars is nice this time of year... probably a mild minus 103 degrees F. Not to worry though, radiation supposedly keeps you warm i hear.