4g lobes! WOO! 2 more jumps, and I'm back at 0g! WOO! Take that douche-canoe! I'm taking my schtick back! And on a similar taking myself back note, I do believe I forgot to mention that I got the cajones to get a hood piercing a month ago. Yep, totally forgot to mention that. But hey, now you know, and knowledge is power, GO JOE!
This whole empowerment thing is awesome. Now, if it can only filter through to other aspects of my life, I'd be a happy camper. *sigh* I hate school.......
4g lobes! WOO! 2 more jumps, and I'm back at 0g! WOO! Take that douche-canoe! I'm taking my schtick back! And on a similar taking myself back note, I do believe I forgot to mention that I got the cajones to get a hood piercing a month ago. Yep, totally forgot to mention that. But hey, now you know, and knowledge is power, GO JOE!
This whole empowerment thing is awesome. Now, if it can only filter through to other aspects of my life, I'd be a happy camper. *sigh* I hate school.......

Oh.... that G.I. Joe.
lol! jk. Finals though huh... my condolences. 

I love that your tag line is about proper grammar. LOVE IT!