Apparently I'm back, I think more in a spectator role. Don't expect too much, I'm not trying to live online anymore. I have goals! Like a job and all that crap. Isn't being responsible fun?
Just in case anyone cares....
Got it last July, then I went to drum corps and it got infected. It's not as crisp, but still decent. I'm thinking about getting it touched up this summer IF I am gainfully employed. But, it doesn't really need it. Still looks pretty good, just not amazing.
Also added a conch piercing on the right, and took out the gauges. I had gotten to 0g, but I missed dangles.... of course now I miss my gauges, but overall, glad I took them out. I think my 2nd and 3rd holes finally closed up, so I'm down to 1 lobe. Oh well.
I'm on a mission to get back into shape. Last summer, I could run a mile. Now, I'm lucky if I can run 1/4 of that. Need to fix that....
I live with the Boy. He's pretty cool. We have our issues that finally surfaced when we started co-habituating, but we're working on it.
I think that's all.... My stuffy nose is keeping me up, and I'm not going to fight it anymore. Time for bed, I need to be up in 6 hrs.... I hate the sick.