I'm so excited! Tomorrow (really later today), I'm going to the Baltimore Tattoo Museum to talk to an artist about getting something done. It's a Christmas present from my friend Todd, who is more awesome than Velcro shoe fasteners (quick! kid show reference!), and I wanted him to come with me, but he has to work, boo. Sad face! And I want to get it done soon, like before spring break soon. It's going to be exciting! YAY! My first tattoo! EEP! I can't wait for needles, so awesome!!!!!
OK, breathing would be a good thing now.... lol, I think that's enough exclamation points.
OK, breathing would be a good thing now.... lol, I think that's enough exclamation points.
LOL talk about a small world. I haven't seen them since High School. I've know them since freshman year, funny dudes. When you get the chance if you see them, tell themy I said hi. So did you end up speaking with your tattoo artist about getting your chef pinup done?
Frustrating is the best way to put it, I know. I had to reschedule my appointment to the 23rd because my artist still hasn't drawn up the design because he's been too busy. If calling doesn't work you should try and go talk to him in person.