So, someone will think I'm crazy, someone always does. But I really don't get it when people say I'm stunning/gorgeous/beautiful/whatever. Seriously, I don't get it. I get that my user pic is pretty damn good. But that is partially a function of a makeup artist and a decent photographer. And me being all modely sultry vixen like. I'm not that usually. Theres a good chance that I won't shower for a day or two. Maybe three, depends on the week. I wear sloppy ill fitting clothes. Cut off sweatpants. Stuff that hasn't seen a washer in 2 weeks because I lack funds for the machines downstairs. And I'm overweight. "No you're not, you're curvy, it's fine, it's sexy!" No, I'm 20 pounds overweight, and that's that. My stomach talks. As in I fold my fat and it looks like a mouth. It's not exactly healthy or attractive. I eat too much processed foods. It's bad. I'll admit I can clean up nice, but I can be downright unattractive sometimes, more like the majority of times, and sometimes I wonder if people would think the same thing if they actually lived with me. Le sigh. Hooray for self-esteem issues.
Shananigans, and not only are you a beautiful girl, you have a beautiful personality as well.
You do not have to 'get it' take the complement, smile, and say thank you. It is much better than being called ugly, fat, or average.