So my friends, it's the last day of 2006, and it has been an interesting year.... Still dating the same guy, still the same person, yadda yadda. Maybe a little bit more chubby, but then again, it's the holiday's, it doesn't count. And I have a brand new yoga mat, so yay! I'll get to play with that. I'm in way more debt than last year. I've gotten in my first major accident. Story time! Driving home to my parents house from Towson at 9 am on 3 hrs of sleep, I drifted off to the left and hit a plastic mile marker on Rt. 70 and blew my front passenger side tire, and fishtailed all over the place. Scary scary. Do yourself a favor and don't do that. Which is also the reason I'm in serious debt for the first time. Damn tire..... I had something I could manage and now, oivey am I gunna be in a crunch. Also I switched jobs for the first time. I'd been working @ the same place forever, unill last summer. Which of course, I'll be right back at this summer. Teehee, can't stay away from Bob's. I meant to take an SG set, but, I didn't. But I get to start the New Year with one! teehee I cannot wait untill Jan 27th. Will be exciting!
Blah, who cares, 2006 is just another year, nothing truly spectacular to report.... but thats ok, who needs all that excitement? Happy New Year
Blah, who cares, 2006 is just another year, nothing truly spectacular to report.... but thats ok, who needs all that excitement? Happy New Year
Happy New Year