Haha, this week and a half (starting Mon) is seriously shaping up to be the best week of my life! Monday started a Courtrina adventure with Walmart. 5 below, n Denny's. The Tuesday, we woke up early, packed a cooler, and went to the 9:30 club in DC to see Rise Against and Bad Religion....
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Haha, this week and a half (starting Mon) is seriously shaping up to be the best week of my life! Monday started a Courtrina adventure with Walmart. 5 below, n Denny's. The Tuesday, we woke up early, packed a cooler, and went to the 9:30 club in DC to see Rise Against and Bad Religion....
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Things I don't like: funerals.... especially ones where your Gramma is the deceased.... nope, not fun, not fun at all. Seeing Mom cry, dislike, seriously.
Better news.... I can run a half mile, if I take a break halfway through! YAY! PROGRESS!!
Better news.... I can run a half mile, if I take a break halfway through! YAY! PROGRESS!!
Dear richard_ and anyone else who cares,
Yes, I survived. Though, the week after I got sick, I then lost power in a snowstorm. Then next week, classes started, and here we are, one week in, and getting home from catching up with old friends, drinking, playing Kings, and laughing my mutha fookin ass off! Oh sweet zebras I missed my boys from the dorm...
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Yes, I survived. Though, the week after I got sick, I then lost power in a snowstorm. Then next week, classes started, and here we are, one week in, and getting home from catching up with old friends, drinking, playing Kings, and laughing my mutha fookin ass off! Oh sweet zebras I missed my boys from the dorm...
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OY! Hey, body! I don't like being sick! Stop with the mucous and itchy eyes and coughing! I'm done you hear? DONE!
In other news, there's ice everywhere, my boss has no soul for keeping me at work longer when I'm sicky, and miso soup is a win. The End.
In other news, there's ice everywhere, my boss has no soul for keeping me at work longer when I'm sicky, and miso soup is a win. The End.
I hope you feel better soon.
Please tell me you've survived... 

Le sigh, this is what I get for not listening to my gut.
I mentioned getting my vertical hood pierced a little bit ago, and all was going swimmingly. Very little pain, no infection of the piercing despite an errant yeastly attack. Took care of it, and it seemed pretty decent. I've checked up on it, and it seemed a little shallow. To which end...
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I mentioned getting my vertical hood pierced a little bit ago, and all was going swimmingly. Very little pain, no infection of the piercing despite an errant yeastly attack. Took care of it, and it seemed pretty decent. I've checked up on it, and it seemed a little shallow. To which end...
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In that case, you should probably take care of it as soon as you can.
The first paragraph of my blog was inspired by how many times I go to a blog of a Hopeful or an SG to compliment them and they are talking about how often they have been cheated on. I am not in a posiiton to post "Hey, I just anted to compliment you for this thing you said on this grup and lose that guy." This sneaking around hurts everyone. There are a lot of really good men out there when women tire of guys running around on them.
The second part I was chanelling my first girl friend, who was married in a (first) Gulf War wedding and went to her honeymoon bed a virgin. Instead of trying to deal with that ratinally, he goes all Tarzan on her and really hurts her. Nor does he ever change his style. Men are not zebras; we cannot have sex from four feet away. You can look your partner in the eyes, and she clearly did not enjoy herself. Instead of just thinking about what a great stud he was, he should have talked to her. She did leave him, which was waht he deserved, but now this incredible woman is very sex negative.
I am sorry for spewing venom on your blog. These men just make me so mad!
Is there any hope of another Hopeful set from you?
The first paragraph of my blog was inspired by how many times I go to a blog of a Hopeful or an SG to compliment them and they are talking about how often they have been cheated on. I am not in a posiiton to post "Hey, I just anted to compliment you for this thing you said on this grup and lose that guy." This sneaking around hurts everyone. There are a lot of really good men out there when women tire of guys running around on them.
The second part I was chanelling my first girl friend, who was married in a (first) Gulf War wedding and went to her honeymoon bed a virgin. Instead of trying to deal with that ratinally, he goes all Tarzan on her and really hurts her. Nor does he ever change his style. Men are not zebras; we cannot have sex from four feet away. You can look your partner in the eyes, and she clearly did not enjoy herself. Instead of just thinking about what a great stud he was, he should have talked to her. She did leave him, which was waht he deserved, but now this incredible woman is very sex negative.
I am sorry for spewing venom on your blog. These men just make me so mad!
Is there any hope of another Hopeful set from you?
I am happy to hear you are all right.
I understand exactly why you are hesitiant to post another Hopeful set. One of my all time favorite Hopefuls left for similar reasons. She did not really want to be a SuicideGirl; she just had negative body issues, entirely unjustified. I had suggested that she classify her blogs and pictures as "Friends Only." On hindsight, I doubt that would be an option once a Hoprful set reaches MR.
Pity, becasue you are beautiful.
I have asked my girlfriend to consider it, and was met with a flat no. Come to think of it, most of my requests are answered in that vein.
I understand exactly why you are hesitiant to post another Hopeful set. One of my all time favorite Hopefuls left for similar reasons. She did not really want to be a SuicideGirl; she just had negative body issues, entirely unjustified. I had suggested that she classify her blogs and pictures as "Friends Only." On hindsight, I doubt that would be an option once a Hoprful set reaches MR.
Pity, becasue you are beautiful.
I have asked my girlfriend to consider it, and was met with a flat no. Come to think of it, most of my requests are answered in that vein.
Ah.... and the crash....
Yes friends, it's time for me to mope, somewhat. I've discovered just how much I hate panic attacks (really? why me?) and that I cannot handle the amount of stress I put myself under. Lesson? Take it MUCH slower..... Now, does it solve the problem of me not being able to finish all the assignments for this semester? Nope! But this...
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Yes friends, it's time for me to mope, somewhat. I've discovered just how much I hate panic attacks (really? why me?) and that I cannot handle the amount of stress I put myself under. Lesson? Take it MUCH slower..... Now, does it solve the problem of me not being able to finish all the assignments for this semester? Nope! But this...
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Hey you... um where are you?? And the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus huh... wow. Talk about strange. Here all this time i just assumed they were safe. Im so out of touch with things these days.

Mars is nice this time of year... probably a mild minus 103 degrees F. Not to worry though, radiation supposedly keeps you warm i hear.

4g lobes! WOO! 2 more jumps, and I'm back at 0g! WOO! Take that douche-canoe! I'm taking my schtick back! And on a similar taking myself back note, I do believe I forgot to mention that I got the cajones to get a hood piercing a month ago. Yep, totally forgot to mention that. But hey, now you know, and knowledge is power, GO...
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4g lobes! WOO! 2 more jumps, and I'm back at 0g! WOO! Take that douche-canoe! I'm taking my schtick back! And on a similar taking myself back note, I do believe I forgot to mention that I got the cajones to get a hood piercing a month ago. Yep, totally forgot to mention that. But hey, now you know, and knowledge is power, GO...
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Oh.... that G.I. Joe.
lol! jk. Finals though huh... my condolences. 

I love that your tag line is about proper grammar. LOVE IT!

Can I just say something?
I've been missing out! I can't believe I let myself stay in that farce of a relationship when I could have been getting fucked proper with my hair pulled and spanked just right. To be frank, he bites, he scratches, he leaves marks, he makes me (yes, makes is the right word
have multiple orgasms, and some of the most...
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I've been missing out! I can't believe I let myself stay in that farce of a relationship when I could have been getting fucked proper with my hair pulled and spanked just right. To be frank, he bites, he scratches, he leaves marks, he makes me (yes, makes is the right word

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But why not... Its the absolute easiest thing to do. I swear, there are three things i simply HAVE to do on a quite regular basis, or risk losing my sanity. Go on long drives to nowhere, walk aimlessly through the desert, and of course play the guitar. If ever comes a day when i cant do at least one or two of these things, then shoot me please. 

Ah.... "balance". Sadly i suffer from the same affliction as well. So my excursions into boundless freedom are limited to weekends and holidays. Been many a times like you I just wanted to keep right on driving though. Past borders... lines... crossroads... as well as gainful employment. But alas, comfort and "balance" has always pulled me back home just in time for a brand new week. Speaking of which, time to get ready for work.
Hope your weekend set you free, if only for a bit.
Hope your weekend set you free, if only for a bit.
Hrm, fun and games SG land...
So, I'm single again after 4.5 years.... holy fuck what do I do with myself? It's the weirdest sensation, to not have a sidekick for adventures.... but it's been a month, and I'm realizing he wasn't so much of a sidekick, as in I dragged him places I wanted to go..... aka we weren't as compatible as I thought....
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So, I'm single again after 4.5 years.... holy fuck what do I do with myself? It's the weirdest sensation, to not have a sidekick for adventures.... but it's been a month, and I'm realizing he wasn't so much of a sidekick, as in I dragged him places I wanted to go..... aka we weren't as compatible as I thought....
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My girlfriend and I are doing the long distance thing. Usually we spend a week or so together at a time, most of that just hanging out going to thrift stores and record shops and greasy spoons. Soon as its over, the first thing that hits me is I'm on my own again. Not the sex or the boyfriend/girlfriend thing really, just the friendship, the companionship when doing things we both enjoy. That's the hardest thing to turn loose of.
breakups sucks but rock at the same time!
good taste in shoes
It's nice to see you back here 

a really flipping LOT!!
(officially standing by, patiently awaiting parts 3 and namely 4)