So, in my laziness, I went back and looked at old blog posts.... and I am baffled at my behavior/mannerisms. I seem so whiny, hell even looking back to 2 days ago I see that in me. Really, I am far luckier than I think, and I shouldn't take it for granted.

But, anyway, tattoo! I have Christmas money, and I want to get something...
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I like the first quote 'This too shall pass'... I love having simple words tattooed that can pick you up at any time and instill perspective when needed. I have the word 'believe' across my heart, very simple and small but i look at it a lot. - My other is 'Guide & Guardian' across my chest, lyrics from a Phantom of the Opera song.

Good luck with it, let me know what you go with.


Happy Holidays! kiss
Merry Christmas to all! And a Happy New Year!

The real question is whether it will be a truly happy new year? Something is brewing under the surface. There always has been something there, lurking and making itself know at the most inopportune times. Like at finals, or the holidays. Joy. At times, I truly hate my existence. I crave so much more than my...
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Le sigh, It's November, and in the US, Election Day! Oh the excitement! I actually am a bit, because this is my first presidential election. This is a year of firsts for me. First apartment, first legal drinks, all of it. Crazyness, I hate growing up. Being 18 was so much easier.

I'm also not sure if I'm going to keep my account.... I've had...
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I hate debt!
So, my birthday has been a rousing success, I had 5 birthday parties...... 5.... insanity, I didn't want all them all, they just kinda happened. Apparently turning 21 is a big deal or something.... lol. I'm not complaining, I got a HANDLE of Sailor Jerry's..... that's get naked and yell obscenities rum.... and a lot of it. So, needless to say, I might be having...
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wow 5 birthday parties?! Thats crazy!
Dear SG,

It has come to my attention that the quality of sets is going downhill. Not in terms of photos, but of models. Not that the girls aren't fabulous, they're all pretty, but I feel a lack of connection with a lot of them. I'll look at a set, and it's cute, but..... they all seem so one dimensional. Few frames actually show the...
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yeah i totally agree.
the sets aren't what they used to be
bring back apnea!!!!!!

added you to msn...
i like ur eyes, u a SG yet?
Ooh, sweet tattoo! I love the old school look it has.
Did it heal properly?
So how were you able to take care of it applying lotion and all that. Did you have help?
yay! my laptop is back and working! I'm uber excited. It feels nice to not beg borrow and steal others. And as promised...

YAY!!! TATTOO!!!!!

It's gorgeous, a old school pinup girl with an apron and a whisk, brunette with a red flower in her hair. It's so me it's not even funny, I love it and I will always love it. Soon as I get a pic, it's up, I swear. Right now it's in the peeling gross stage.... I want to scratch it sooooo bad, but...
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I'm looking to get another tattoo soon. And I live in baltimore, would you recommend the baltimore tattoo museum? Is it terribly expensive there?
I've never been to the tattoo museum before, but I did hear there is an exhibit at the BMA about tattoos and how they relate to african tribal designs.
But thanks for the info about the place. I'll definitely look into getting some work done there.
I want to see a picture as soon as it's healed!
Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 1pm. First tattoo! I am excited. w00t!

Laptop is at the doctor..... hopefully Jeff can make it work again and i don't have to buy one.

That is all
That's awesome! Have fun at the tattoo shop.
Where on you are you getting it done?
OoOoO, that's super exciting! Good luck! I'm working on the design for my second one right now!
FYI, when your laptop goes to hell, it sucks ass. Just as a side note. I'vebeen MIA because of it, sorry folks! I'm currently hijacking my roommates laptop so I'm not totally lost.

Anyway, updates on life. I'm FINALLY going back to the artist, and it should be done in the next 2 weeks. I'm going to go in to look @ the artwork next...
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Yay to new tatttos and boo for broken laptops.
Good luck.

I'm so excited! Tomorrow (really later today), I'm going to the Baltimore Tattoo Museum to talk to an artist about getting something done. It's a Christmas present from my friend Todd, who is more awesome than Velcro shoe fasteners (quick! kid show reference!), and I wanted him to come with me, but he has to work, boo. Sad face! And I want to get it...
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LOL talk about a small world. I haven't seen them since High School. I've know them since freshman year, funny dudes. When you get the chance if you see them, tell themy I said hi. So did you end up speaking with your tattoo artist about getting your chef pinup done?
Frustrating is the best way to put it, I know. I had to reschedule my appointment to the 23rd because my artist still hasn't drawn up the design because he's been too busy. If calling doesn't work you should try and go talk to him in person.
More improvement, 3:30. Or as close to it till I get dried off. And I showered. Hooray!

New thing: I want a roommate, not someone else's stuff randomly strewn about.

And I will go to the classes that I'm not dropping tomorrow.