Welp, I finally changed out my timing belt and spark plugs in my car. I got caught up on finals, then Christmas shopping and then finally the snow storm. So nearly a month later, my car is running like a champ.
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 27, 2010
Hey guys, So yeah it's 3 am and I'm just coming to grips with how the… -
Sunday Apr 25, 2010
For now.... -
Wednesday Apr 14, 2010
You know, wow, the semester is winding up. Summer is just around the … -
Friday Apr 09, 2010
Well, another week is gone. I'm going to say thanks to Asbury and ify… -
Thursday Apr 01, 2010
Read More -
Thursday Mar 25, 2010
So I went into Th'Ink Tank. Can I just say it is the most professiona… -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
Time for an update! So things have been going ok. My cousin came into… -
Saturday Feb 20, 2010
Well, well well, another week. It has been a ton better than the last… -
Saturday Feb 06, 2010
Ahh, what a week. It has had it's ups and downs. I came home to my EX… -
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
So my news of the day, is I quit the band I was in. Now I could go ab…