Heeeyyyyyooooo! I'm in great spirits really and truly! honestly!!!! I have reconnected to my faith (Catholic) and it feels great to be able to see things happen all around me. Amen. Just thought I'd shout that out. So I leave for NY at 6:55am Weds. WEEEEEEE. It should be so much fun! I cannot wait to see my aunt again, she was the only family member to see be all banged up but hasn't seen me since! Sorry about the !!!'s I'm really that excited, for once in my life things are really turning up from down, not just meeehh to better. I'm seeing happiness all around. There is some magic in the air and the creative juices are flowing. Not out of spite either, but from listening and being completely enthralled with music (Holla at St. Cecilia!) I miss Asbury I don't get to see her much in chat. But I do hope she is well. Also, Laiden and I need to have another Disney sing-along-thon in chat, if enough time is given, yours truly will record the whole thing for the world to see, and play piano as well
. It just sounds like so much fun, no?
On to another question I have solely for the ladies. Ladies, can guys dress hot? like is there one thing or another that makes a man look hotter because of his clothes? Like how could I, a blue jeans and a graphic T kinda guy dress sexier? I'd like to equate this to a girl wear a t shirt and jeans, totally cute you know, but maybe she switches to like a halter top and a cardigan, can men do the same? I'm just confused.
I guess that is where my own insecurities come in, anyway, can I dress to be more appealing to the opposite sex? Mehh, maybe the single life is getting to me
That's it, I will update when I get back. Much Love, Alex

On to another question I have solely for the ladies. Ladies, can guys dress hot? like is there one thing or another that makes a man look hotter because of his clothes? Like how could I, a blue jeans and a graphic T kinda guy dress sexier? I'd like to equate this to a girl wear a t shirt and jeans, totally cute you know, but maybe she switches to like a halter top and a cardigan, can men do the same? I'm just confused.
I guess that is where my own insecurities come in, anyway, can I dress to be more appealing to the opposite sex? Mehh, maybe the single life is getting to me

That's it, I will update when I get back. Much Love, Alex
I miss our fun chat time <3