So I went into Th'Ink Tank. Can I just say it is the most professional shop I have EVER been in. I walk in for my consultation and they knew my name instantly. They artist was sick so he stood back and was super sterile. It was the most ridiculous thing ever. I go in on the 1st for the tattoo.
Anyways, on to the love life. I met this girl through a mutual friend. She is a very nice girl, also a music major so there is a ton in common. But for some reason, I just don't find myself attracted to her. She is taller than I'm used too, but that shouldn't be a reason. I don't know what it is. Just strange, I think this is the first time in my life where the feeling isn't mutual. I'm sure how I'm supposed to go about this. Frustrating.
Also, my friends and I are trying to get into the Red Bull Flugtag here in Denver. I really hope we get this. It should be awesome!
Anyways, on to the love life. I met this girl through a mutual friend. She is a very nice girl, also a music major so there is a ton in common. But for some reason, I just don't find myself attracted to her. She is taller than I'm used too, but that shouldn't be a reason. I don't know what it is. Just strange, I think this is the first time in my life where the feeling isn't mutual. I'm sure how I'm supposed to go about this. Frustrating.
Also, my friends and I are trying to get into the Red Bull Flugtag here in Denver. I really hope we get this. It should be awesome!
ive had that problem before. not often. but its an akward feeling when its reversed, eh? sometimes ppl come into your life and they are just supposed to be an important friend. often those are way more important anyhow