Wow, so finals are creeping up and what not. I feel like I'm doing really well in school, but my relationships don't seem to work out. I was seeing this girl for a while and that just fizzled out. It's really frustrating. I feel like Charlie Brown sometimes. AGHHH. O well. Girl Talk is playing a free show in Keystone on Dec. 5 and I'm there! I decided to go as Lt. Dangle from Reno 911 for Halloween this should be really interesting. I have my eye on someone, but knowing my luck my drunk mouth will start running.
I just have to say that I am really liking the new Rise Against album. I think Collapse is the best song on there. It makes me wonder if they wrote it being in Fort Collins during the recording. Way to go Blasting Room! Another great sounding record out of there.
I just have to say that I am really liking the new Rise Against album. I think Collapse is the best song on there. It makes me wonder if they wrote it being in Fort Collins during the recording. Way to go Blasting Room! Another great sounding record out of there.
You just reminded me to get the new Rise Against album. Downloading it from itunes right now. Good luck with Halloween and thanks for the friend request.