There is a price to be paid for not following your heart or dreams. Some would say it falls simply into not having them fulfilled, but I correlate it to the premise, that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. A slow unseen death.
Deep down those dreams know us better than we often consciously know ourselves, they call you to places where your hidden desires will find light.
"A dream is a wish your heart makes." Walt Disney
"What I want to do is travel deep and deeper into the dreamlands, to find that place that I know is waiting for me here. My home." Charles De Lint, The Onion Girl
I raise a glass to all the dreamers and those that have the courage to follow them.
I having been a frog also want to say thank you to my princess who kissed life back into world.
Deep down those dreams know us better than we often consciously know ourselves, they call you to places where your hidden desires will find light.
"A dream is a wish your heart makes." Walt Disney
"What I want to do is travel deep and deeper into the dreamlands, to find that place that I know is waiting for me here. My home." Charles De Lint, The Onion Girl
I raise a glass to all the dreamers and those that have the courage to follow them.
I having been a frog also want to say thank you to my princess who kissed life back into world.