This past week has sucked... i broke my ankle playing hockey, i have to get my wisdom teeth taken out on friday, and on saturday i find out if i need to get a plate and screws put in my ankle to help it heal better
... on the bright side of things I'm out of work and i get to sit at home and play halo and guitar all day and go on SG!! MESSAGE ME AND KEEP ME COMPANY!

turns out that today was just the consolation to go over getting my wisdom teeth out... ill find out what its like on wednesday
the wisdom teeth removal was not that bad. they put me under so i didn't feel a thing and as of now i just have a mouth full of gauze and more pain pills... lets just see how tomorrow is. i can't eat anything for two days besides italian ice and jello and lots of fluids. good luck when you get yours out, just let them know you wanna go under the gas it makes things a lot easier