Happy Easter sale in my shop.
Use code Easter for 80% off all store items.
How to buy things instructions.
1.Click product thumbnail that will take you to the product page
2.Add to cart to the left of the pictures
you will see a thumbnail of the product and the price.
to the left of that you will see blue text Apply Discount Code.
put in Easter and apply.
Next pick your shipping destination
4. Continue checkout
Don't bail out on me now almost there.
You will have to fill out a form, Name address ect
I ship all my own orders so this part is a big deal.
5. Check your info is correct and click Continue
6.You will see shipping options, there is just one. click continue.
yay now you can pay me, and I can start packing your awesome stuffs. woot.
oh by the way...
I have less then 60 days to pay my hosting bill for my website so every sale counts. Thank you.
This is my I hate my life, I suck at this, and want to quite sale.
sigh, I wish I could just drop my art down a chute and have little helper pixies sell them for me and just slip a check under my door every month. That's just me being a dork. I'll be right as rain soon enough.
no pressure to buy, Keep calm and Carry on.
Use code Easter for 80% off all store items.
How to buy things instructions.
1.Click product thumbnail that will take you to the product page
2.Add to cart to the left of the pictures
you will see a thumbnail of the product and the price.
to the left of that you will see blue text Apply Discount Code.
put in Easter and apply.
Next pick your shipping destination
4. Continue checkout
Don't bail out on me now almost there.
You will have to fill out a form, Name address ect
I ship all my own orders so this part is a big deal.
5. Check your info is correct and click Continue
6.You will see shipping options, there is just one. click continue.
yay now you can pay me, and I can start packing your awesome stuffs. woot.
oh by the way...
I have less then 60 days to pay my hosting bill for my website so every sale counts. Thank you.
This is my I hate my life, I suck at this, and want to quite sale.

sigh, I wish I could just drop my art down a chute and have little helper pixies sell them for me and just slip a check under my door every month. That's just me being a dork. I'll be right as rain soon enough.
no pressure to buy, Keep calm and Carry on.

reposting on my facebook... cool stuff man
yay Thank you