The good news, I won that contest I was in.
My Wolf Shirt is for sale now. yay
I'm now 2 books behind my sketchbook a month project for this year. I've got to get back on that.
The art house coop, book people are going to be coming to Portland next year on the 2012 tour.
So theres still plenty of time to get back on the wagon.
Other then the contest I haven't had that much work so I've been doing a lot of personal projects.
I made my first set of large scale 32x40in drawings, and a few smaller 15x20in ones.
I still don't have the balls to contact a gallery for a show yet. I got a book on the subject, maybe that will help.
Maybe I can save some of you the headaches I had..
It's driving me nuts trying to get everything all presentation ready. Who knew that matching paper, frame,a nd shipping sizes would be so tricky. I solved the 15x20in problem, If I use a matte I can get them to fit in a 16x20 frame. The bigger pieces fit in a 30x40in frame so they are 2 inches to big. My options are expensive custom frames, chopping off the extra bits, or redoing the series with some 30x40in illustration boards I wish I had found before I bought the other stuff.
Crescent No. 100 Cold Press Illustration Board 15x20in $2.95
Pre cut mattes 16x20in $5.29
Blick Gallery Metal Frames 16x20in $20.39 brings the total to $28.63 to make each one all nice and pretty.
I still haven't found the best way to ship them cheap
but The Air Floats strong box seems to be what the pros use.
If you have or know anyone who has experience selling framed art, I could use some more tips.
I'm probably doing it wrong.
I did a mini series of star wars themed stuff.
Tees and stickers at Redbubble
and some signed ACEO (artist card editions and originals)
I also finally got some descent product shots in the shop, and released some block prints.
I sure do apologize for not being here a lot.
I got nearly caught up on all the sets I missed, great work as always ladys. I miss you.
My Wolf Shirt is for sale now. yay
I'm now 2 books behind my sketchbook a month project for this year. I've got to get back on that.
The art house coop, book people are going to be coming to Portland next year on the 2012 tour.
So theres still plenty of time to get back on the wagon.
Other then the contest I haven't had that much work so I've been doing a lot of personal projects.
I made my first set of large scale 32x40in drawings, and a few smaller 15x20in ones.
I still don't have the balls to contact a gallery for a show yet. I got a book on the subject, maybe that will help.
Maybe I can save some of you the headaches I had..
It's driving me nuts trying to get everything all presentation ready. Who knew that matching paper, frame,a nd shipping sizes would be so tricky. I solved the 15x20in problem, If I use a matte I can get them to fit in a 16x20 frame. The bigger pieces fit in a 30x40in frame so they are 2 inches to big. My options are expensive custom frames, chopping off the extra bits, or redoing the series with some 30x40in illustration boards I wish I had found before I bought the other stuff.
Crescent No. 100 Cold Press Illustration Board 15x20in $2.95
Pre cut mattes 16x20in $5.29
Blick Gallery Metal Frames 16x20in $20.39 brings the total to $28.63 to make each one all nice and pretty.
I still haven't found the best way to ship them cheap
but The Air Floats strong box seems to be what the pros use.
If you have or know anyone who has experience selling framed art, I could use some more tips.
I'm probably doing it wrong.
I did a mini series of star wars themed stuff.
Tees and stickers at Redbubble
and some signed ACEO (artist card editions and originals)
I also finally got some descent product shots in the shop, and released some block prints.
I sure do apologize for not being here a lot.
I got nearly caught up on all the sets I missed, great work as always ladys. I miss you.
congrats on the shirt!
Thank you Muerta.