Ok here is the "studio" tour part 2. but first things first. Real names Newman Hello.
Quakerninja is a name I got from some friends of mine in high school, and that was like 100 years ago, so it's a little fuzzy. It has since grown to be my art name, as for what it all means.
I was raised quaker, One of the quaker beliefs besides a pure diet of oatmeal and motor oil is pacifism.
Ninjas on the other hand sneak around killing people. I like the oppositeness, So I reckon I would kill people with kindness or something like that. One of these days I'll have sit down and just make a proper story.
This is a banner I had printed up when I started out in 2007ish for a small town fair. I had printed my first batch of 100 shirts that I thought were awesome depicting the founder of the quakers George Fox. There is also a George Fox University in my town, so I was hopping all the college kids would jump right on them, but I forgot all the college kids are gone in the summer, so I still have a box of them left over, total fail, but I did get the banner and some experience out of it so that was good.
Here is where no magic happens at all because it's to small for company but I do get lots of drawing done.
Some digital tools and work area. Printer, imac the wacom cintiq ect
Some traditional tools and various mess making accessories.
My newest toy a matt cutter and matt boards.
There you have it. That's my nerd hole. Pretty boring huh, it's almost as if I thought no one had ever seen an imac or pen before lol.
The way I see it with the internet and all it's never been a better time for DIY stuff, and lot's of people can't draw or whatever it would be a waste of me not to try.
I got my foot in the door designing shirts here and there for small bands, startups and contest, but I want to get back to traditional gallery snobs and art walk stuff. I really don't know all that I should about representing myself, but I'm having fun so that's what count's right.
Quakerninja is a name I got from some friends of mine in high school, and that was like 100 years ago, so it's a little fuzzy. It has since grown to be my art name, as for what it all means.
I was raised quaker, One of the quaker beliefs besides a pure diet of oatmeal and motor oil is pacifism.
Ninjas on the other hand sneak around killing people. I like the oppositeness, So I reckon I would kill people with kindness or something like that. One of these days I'll have sit down and just make a proper story.
This is a banner I had printed up when I started out in 2007ish for a small town fair. I had printed my first batch of 100 shirts that I thought were awesome depicting the founder of the quakers George Fox. There is also a George Fox University in my town, so I was hopping all the college kids would jump right on them, but I forgot all the college kids are gone in the summer, so I still have a box of them left over, total fail, but I did get the banner and some experience out of it so that was good.
Here is where no magic happens at all because it's to small for company but I do get lots of drawing done.
Some digital tools and work area. Printer, imac the wacom cintiq ect
Some traditional tools and various mess making accessories.
My newest toy a matt cutter and matt boards.
There you have it. That's my nerd hole. Pretty boring huh, it's almost as if I thought no one had ever seen an imac or pen before lol.
The way I see it with the internet and all it's never been a better time for DIY stuff, and lot's of people can't draw or whatever it would be a waste of me not to try.
I got my foot in the door designing shirts here and there for small bands, startups and contest, but I want to get back to traditional gallery snobs and art walk stuff. I really don't know all that I should about representing myself, but I'm having fun so that's what count's right.
I bet a really unique 'business card' would help with self-representation. I've seen some that are really out-there!
That horned owl poster above your computer, is that all you? It's pretty sweet!
That owl is the most sick thing I have ever seen, It's from a mysterious bearded fella named godmachine, My favorite merch designer/illustrator and one of the nicest guys ever.