On a totally separate thread ... I'm sorry but I can't make Saturday. Reason is that the council tax bill appeared, which I was kinda hoping wouldn't for a while. (I had hoped the landlord was paying it) So, no money now I'm afraid ! I do really want to go, especially after the drunken-awesomeness that went down at the Fawcett Inn. OK, it was mainly the locals vs drunken Rdpixie that did it for me. After this I should have known not to disagree with her, but well I did and got one hell of a slap in return. And it felt goooood

If you want to read about Aldershot's lovely locals then clicky clicky, else please pass this by.
I watched Juno last night. I was desperately trying not to enjoy it, really I was. However, it was actally a good film. Not a lot happened but it was well scripted even if the acting was a little stray in places.
I'm doing a part-time diet thing now. Mainly because unlike some I don't find little moobs attractive, although quite comical (you know who you are, mister). Nnubeh is really sticking at it, which I think is great. Eating salad and fruit every day sure does give you more energy than coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits. I think I may however turn into a rabbit.
Last night I also accomplished an impressive feat by my electronics skills. I butchered one of these Ipod Shuffle adapters..
..so now I can plug my Zune into the Ipod adapter in my car. Yeah, quite an effort to go to just to avoid the Ipod.
Well, I should go know... the head of HR just walked in for my "exit" interview. This could be fun!