21,185 words, 76 pages and one whole cartridge later it's finished.
Now for some productive time on the beach with Tom_Thumbs_Blues and Krispie, playing with Ubuntu and generally having a holiday until work.
In other news - there is a cheap piss-up involving bouncy castle, bungee running and inflatable gladiator fighting plus bbq, an outside licensed bar (no idea how they swung that one) and live band. Venue is Langstone Student Village, Portsmouth from noon on Bank Holiday Monday. Entry is a measly 2. That's where Nnubeh, Tom_Thumbs_Blues, Krispie and I will be anyhow !!
Hope everyone else is out enjoying the sun
Now for some productive time on the beach with Tom_Thumbs_Blues and Krispie, playing with Ubuntu and generally having a holiday until work.
In other news - there is a cheap piss-up involving bouncy castle, bungee running and inflatable gladiator fighting plus bbq, an outside licensed bar (no idea how they swung that one) and live band. Venue is Langstone Student Village, Portsmouth from noon on Bank Holiday Monday. Entry is a measly 2. That's where Nnubeh, Tom_Thumbs_Blues, Krispie and I will be anyhow !!
Hope everyone else is out enjoying the sun

I guess that I was just perusing your profile and that was one of the things that caught my attention...
This website makes me smile.