I hope Portsmouth Uni take note of this article after performing similar stunts with students on the Guildhall recently:
"Three firemen have been sacked after students were kept out in the cold for almost three hours following an alarm."
Are similar shenanigans tried at other universities as a "punishment" for setting off the fire alarms?
"Three firemen have been sacked after students were kept out in the cold for almost three hours following an alarm."
Are similar shenanigans tried at other universities as a "punishment" for setting off the fire alarms?
back in my hometown (a college town - Iowa State University) I delivered pizza. occasionally on the weekends, after a long night of drinking, some dumb ass student from a dorm would pull the fire alarm. it happened often enough that, if I were a firefighter, I'd make them stand outside in the cold a little longer than they had to. but I think the firefighters in my town were a little more professional than me. 

Have a good weekend!