oh, image heavy..
geeze is my life really interesting enough to warrant people reading my blog ??
well anyhow. here goes.
i went to cyberdog, i bought some way cool trousers and i was served by no less than Elf herself !
i couldn't believe just how tiny and cute she was in real life
then i ebayed and bought below ..
all the for the grand sum of twenty-sumthing pounds. which was veh good. for whilst i love cyberdog im not sure my bank manager does ..
oh and whats with my picture, i really should update that. it's like 3 years old.
geeze is my life really interesting enough to warrant people reading my blog ??
well anyhow. here goes.
i went to cyberdog, i bought some way cool trousers and i was served by no less than Elf herself !

then i ebayed and bought below ..

all the for the grand sum of twenty-sumthing pounds. which was veh good. for whilst i love cyberdog im not sure my bank manager does ..
oh and whats with my picture, i really should update that. it's like 3 years old.