but i gotta tell you because you appear to be new at this and i once made the same mistake that when you post your responses in YOUR journal it's really hard to know you've posted them at all
post them in other people's journals...sg doesn't work the same way as other online stuff...you have to go to someone's journal to leave them a message that they can easily see or have any notifcation that you have responded too...
and on that note, please pop by my journal and tell me a little about this hot night...if you can
but i gotta tell you because you appear to be new at this and i once made the same mistake that when you post your responses in YOUR journal it's really hard to know you've posted them at all
post them in other people's journals...sg doesn't work the same way as other online stuff...you have to go to someone's journal to leave them a message that they can easily see or have any notifcation that you have responded too...
and on that note, please pop by my journal and tell me a little about this hot night...if you can