im still alive
been travelling around new zealand for past couple of months and it's been good. On tuesday it is time to fly to Singapore and from there head to Borneo through Kuala Lumpur. and then 14th May this years most waited moment: Im gonna see my boy at the airport in Helsinki. Life's pretty sweet.
I will catch up with everyone once I'm back from my travels. take care friends, I've been missing you

been travelling around new zealand for past couple of months and it's been good. On tuesday it is time to fly to Singapore and from there head to Borneo through Kuala Lumpur. and then 14th May this years most waited moment: Im gonna see my boy at the airport in Helsinki. Life's pretty sweet.
I will catch up with everyone once I'm back from my travels. take care friends, I've been missing you

have a great time !!!!

just checking in here... Hope everything is good woth you, sweetness. Finnish summer will be a good thing to come back to, after humid, hot asia. I rememeber how I loved the grey, cold autumn here after being 4 months in thailand/laos. Just refreshing :-)