First of all thank you all your amazing people for your lovely comments and messages on my last super emo update, you make me smile
Just needed to get all that out I guess, feeling much better already.
Lot of exciting stuff still happening in next three weeks so I am definately going to enjoy the last weeks here. End of July I should be going sailing for a weekend with a group of kids from townships. I hope the weather is good for us and we can go since everyone is really amped to go and I think it would be awesome opportunity for the kids. I think I have posted this before but just in case you missed it:
Please click HERE to vote for the organisation I work for in SA to attend to an exhibition for NGOs in September. Only 20 organisations will be selected and this would be really important for us since it gets lot of publicity and many donors visiting so we need all the possible votes!! We really need more support to be able to take more kids sailing (if you wanna read more about the organisation go few entries back in my journal). It looks like we might get a small boat now and we can start to offer sailing trips for township youth for more regular basis but still we need support to run the trips! Thanks a lot for your help!!
Still lot of work to do before I leave so I think I won't have much holiday but that's fine. Yesterday was writing emails to some Finnish companies to get support to send youth to a tall ship race from Denmark to Finland next year and Finnish is really crap!! I often don't need to write anything formal in Finnish since I do all my studies in English and it really shows, especially now when I haven't really spoken much Finnish in last 7months ..It will be funny to see how the first days back in Finland will be, I probably will speak English to my parents, in the shops etc. And also behave like a tourist, I always find it so funny when you return from abroad and have forgot how things work in your own country. Finland for example is so full of rules and restrictions that I will probably have some hard time to get used to it, no more smoking joints on the streets/bars(ok, I know it is not legal here either but nobody really cares), funny driving "rules", after hours liquer shopping and that generally lot more relaxed atmosphere. I find it so funny that in Finland people are so law obeying that for example when the traffic lights are red for pedestrian and there are no cars coming people still wait there for the light to change green
because you can get a ticket for crossing when light is red...I can imagine so many strange and funny situations that will happen, I will keep you posted how it goes when I get back to Finland
I was supposed to work from home is 1:30pm now and haven't done anything for work yet so maybe it is about the time to start..1,5h work and then surfing!! Yesterday the surf was so good, I wish I could import some waves to Finland.
Thanks again for your lovely comments and go to vote now!!

Lot of exciting stuff still happening in next three weeks so I am definately going to enjoy the last weeks here. End of July I should be going sailing for a weekend with a group of kids from townships. I hope the weather is good for us and we can go since everyone is really amped to go and I think it would be awesome opportunity for the kids. I think I have posted this before but just in case you missed it:
Please click HERE to vote for the organisation I work for in SA to attend to an exhibition for NGOs in September. Only 20 organisations will be selected and this would be really important for us since it gets lot of publicity and many donors visiting so we need all the possible votes!! We really need more support to be able to take more kids sailing (if you wanna read more about the organisation go few entries back in my journal). It looks like we might get a small boat now and we can start to offer sailing trips for township youth for more regular basis but still we need support to run the trips! Thanks a lot for your help!!
Still lot of work to do before I leave so I think I won't have much holiday but that's fine. Yesterday was writing emails to some Finnish companies to get support to send youth to a tall ship race from Denmark to Finland next year and Finnish is really crap!! I often don't need to write anything formal in Finnish since I do all my studies in English and it really shows, especially now when I haven't really spoken much Finnish in last 7months ..It will be funny to see how the first days back in Finland will be, I probably will speak English to my parents, in the shops etc. And also behave like a tourist, I always find it so funny when you return from abroad and have forgot how things work in your own country. Finland for example is so full of rules and restrictions that I will probably have some hard time to get used to it, no more smoking joints on the streets/bars(ok, I know it is not legal here either but nobody really cares), funny driving "rules", after hours liquer shopping and that generally lot more relaxed atmosphere. I find it so funny that in Finland people are so law obeying that for example when the traffic lights are red for pedestrian and there are no cars coming people still wait there for the light to change green

I was supposed to work from home is 1:30pm now and haven't done anything for work yet so maybe it is about the time to start..1,5h work and then surfing!! Yesterday the surf was so good, I wish I could import some waves to Finland.
Thanks again for your lovely comments and go to vote now!!

And it made me smile just thinking about it
Enjoy every second of that bittersweetness, and dont be afraid of the return to the land of salmiakki and jaywalking fines
My Nan always says every cloud has a silver lining..... And if ur scared about doing something, its all energy that can be turned into excited energy!
I think i definitely prefer cold weather to hot... i don't mind wearing 3 jumpers....