Mummy, look! no legs!!!!
Feeling better already, thanks for all the get better soons. My voice is still quite bad. Yesterday was quiet day for me, since after that famous "I've been ill the whole week so one drink only and then home..." on friday night I had hardly any voice left.
Friday's one drink turned out to be more like 10 drinks but never mind..I met a really cute guy!!

Today the rain finally stopped( It has been raining for 4days) so we headed for a long walk on a beach and for a frisbee game. And as two of my flatmates were walking this strange guy appered next to them

hmph.I wanna ask this guy out already today or tomorrow..and he said lets meet up next weekend

UPDATE: good that I listened to Saffa's advice. date tomoro!!
Joo, I'll miss Harry & Luke, but they will be back one day! It's so nice weather an I'm in the house
when will you be home?