yay you back
sounds like you had a brillaint time
yeh apparently sa is freezing at the moment, i have never seen it frozen over like that
good luck with the new job
been travelling around new zealand for past couple of months and it's been good. On tuesday it is time to fly to Singapore and from there head to Borneo through Kuala Lumpur. and then 14th May this years most waited moment: Im gonna see my boy at the airport in Helsinki. Life's pretty sweet.
I will catch up with everyone once I'm... Read More
just checking in here... Hope everything is good woth you, sweetness. Finnish summer will be a good thing to come back to, after humid, hot asia. I rememeber how I loved the grey, cold autumn here after being 4 months in thailand/laos. Just refreshing :-)
New Zealand has been treating me well and I have had great time this far. Havent seen much of the sights yet but over the last weekend went to Milford Sound, what an awesome place. Snowy mountains, fjords and rainforest. It has been my goal for this year to get more seriously into photography and I mentioned this... Read More
I've been real slacker with updating this journal... The last months just has gone past pretty quickly and I haven't really done much else than spent great time with my great boyfriend
As a quick update I can say that I had cool xmas with my parents and sister in North Finland. Even if there was not really snowboarding I... Read More
About 1,5 years ago my sister was visiting me and this was sort of my last weekend in Netherlands before moving back to Finland. I was so super happy to see her again... Read More
Somehow I said yes again to 14h work days last week after just swearing never to do that again week before. I should be more at uni and less at work but it is hard because Im trying to save money to pay my flights etc. Yesterday I went to horribly expensive xrays, 80euros for one freaking chest xray for my visa... Read More
The gig went terrible and I left the band ha ha! The tattoo isn't finished yet, I've got to back just before Christmas to get it filled in, so no photos until its complete!
Why have you got to have a chest x-ray before you go to NZ? Do they check to see if you're carrying an alien parasite or something?! Your new profile pic is super-spangly-gorgeous by the way.
past few days I've been missing Cape Town ridicilously lot Just going through the best moments of the 7months in my mind over and over again, the memories just make me smile
Other half of me is super excitied about moving to new zealand and other half of me is still wishing I would be going to SA.*sigh* I just miss those moments of grabbing... Read More
I think I might reserve Finland-London-Christchurch flights tomoro. One way only. Leaving in the beginning of January07
Today I realised I am so f**king completely tired of my life(cant really call it life) here in Finland that I need to get out asap (which wont be any sooner than Jan because I got my studies to finish). In one point I was actually thinking of... Read More
Wow, the world is a small place. I am from Invercargill and I serve your friend in that photo at my work sometimes. I also see her at some parties (not very often because I have no life). Weird!
I'm actually moving to Wellington to study next year because I don't like Invercargill that much. It's a nice place but I've been here too long.
Oh my god you are so cute !
Do you surf ?
Reading your stuff it seems like that,i don't know why i feel like we have a lot of things in common,starting from the fantasy you have.
huh. I haven't been too good in replying to all the comment lately.sorry. Been working the most of the last week and trying to study. Although my studying at the moment seems to be mor like job searching. Very aimless job searching some might say; I have applied for about 10 different positions, 5 different continents
This a list of positions I have applied to:... Read More
Hay sweetie I was just wondering where abouts do you go surfing? I only know of three places in Finland and unfortunately they very rarely break, the most consistent spot I know of over there is Poliisinlahti
Lol... Well, I don't think you look typical, but somehow familiar
Maybe I have seen you in somewhere in Helsinki and your face have just pop in my mind...
im very glad you had a good time and you're happy now with your boy
sounds like you had a brillaint time
yeh apparently sa is freezing at the moment, i have never seen it frozen over like that
good luck with the new job