I half expect that Karma is out to get me.
After nearly everything in my life turns out to go in the best of possible directions, life hits me with a fever. So even though I've fallen in love (and the feelings are returned!), I've got new and important responsibilities at work, the book I'm working on is coming along nicely and I'm feeling better about myself than ever, the fever shows up to balance everything out.
I'm up on 39.5 degrees Celsius. That's 103.1 Fahrenheit for those of you across the Pond. With a normal body temperature of 36.6 (97.88 Fahrenheit), that's quite an increase. It's still getting worse, and I expect the fever to peak during the night or some time tomorrow.
I've moved my life into bed now, I've got Strepsils, cough syrup (with ethyl morphine! yay!), my laptop, two books (Sherlock Holmes and a body language-book), a large bottle of Coca Cola, some candy and my phone. Life for me is very slow right now, me spending my time sleeping, sending text messages to my loved one, drinking Coke, eating candy and surfing the web.
I was booked to go on a business trip to Marocco next week, but if the fever holds, I won't be able to go to work at all this week and can't prepare. I hope one of my colleagues can take it for me, because I wouldn't like post-poning it, the customer is already too eager to get it done Right Now<tm>.
Oh well, gonna update my 'real' blog now, talk to you guys later.
After nearly everything in my life turns out to go in the best of possible directions, life hits me with a fever. So even though I've fallen in love (and the feelings are returned!), I've got new and important responsibilities at work, the book I'm working on is coming along nicely and I'm feeling better about myself than ever, the fever shows up to balance everything out.
I'm up on 39.5 degrees Celsius. That's 103.1 Fahrenheit for those of you across the Pond. With a normal body temperature of 36.6 (97.88 Fahrenheit), that's quite an increase. It's still getting worse, and I expect the fever to peak during the night or some time tomorrow.
I've moved my life into bed now, I've got Strepsils, cough syrup (with ethyl morphine! yay!), my laptop, two books (Sherlock Holmes and a body language-book), a large bottle of Coca Cola, some candy and my phone. Life for me is very slow right now, me spending my time sleeping, sending text messages to my loved one, drinking Coke, eating candy and surfing the web.
I was booked to go on a business trip to Marocco next week, but if the fever holds, I won't be able to go to work at all this week and can't prepare. I hope one of my colleagues can take it for me, because I wouldn't like post-poning it, the customer is already too eager to get it done Right Now<tm>.
Oh well, gonna update my 'real' blog now, talk to you guys later.
I'm sending you lots of get better thoughts!