More homework!
1. Im a classically trained musician. I can play 8 instruments and read in 3 clefs.
2. I went to every country in mainland Europe except Spain and Portugal in a month and a half.
3. Ive had malaria.
4. I played basketball for 12 years and everyone laughs when I tell them this because Im so short.
5. I also did high jump for 4 years. Everyone laughs. See no. 4.
6. In 2012 I read over 100 books as a challenge by a friend.
7. I have a degree in Physiology.
8. Ive been homeless in Washington D.C. for two nights. I walked around the national mall all night and showered in a public bathroom sink.
9. I once dated one of my college professors for almost four years. It does happen ladies ;)
10. I live two blocks from the beach but I hate being in the sun.