Alright, my first attempt at homework a la @missy: My first tattoo.
I grew up very strict Presbyterian and then non-demoninational Christian. Parochial school K-12, church every Sunday, weekly youth group, community outreach, volunteering, street conversions.
I hated every minute of it.
I also have badass Japanese father. While he is not traditional Japanese at all (he had kind of a crazy upbringing in the projects in East LA), my 18 year old self had a hard time seeing that he would approve any kind of alternative lifestyle or body mods at all. He has no tattoos, despite being in a gang and the military. I also had a lot of respect for my family's history as a Samurai family with strong political ties in Japan and I know he was proud of his ancestry as well. So I got a tattoo on my left forearm in kanji that said "Bushido", in honor of my family. And to say "fuck you" to a religion that told me my body and my sexuality was shameful. My 18-year old self was shocked my father didnt make me get it removed. Instead he told me, "Bushido is a hard path to walk. Are you sure you're worthy of that to be on you forever? Visible for everyone to see? There is a reason being Samurai was a hard life. And there is a reason they arent around anymore. Theyd probably be called extremists in these times."
I read up a lot of the meaning of a Samurai life and what Bushido actually is and I saw a lot of qualities that I wanted in my character: honoring your elders, patriotism, protecting the innocent, fighting for justice. At 18, I wanted to save the world and these ideals resonated in me.
I dont have photos of the tattoo anymore because I had it covered up 2 years ago. I was tired of people asking me what it meant in English, and since it doesnt translate explaining Bushido took too long. I still respect the way of the Samurai, but its an undertone to my life now. Knowing its still there forever even if people cant see it holds me to a private accountability to honor my ancestors' ways.
@aeterna got a beautiful shot of the cover. Its covered by a wolf in a "play bow". Much different than the original piece, with different meaning, power, and accountability.