When government fears the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson
Everyone has their own political views and the right to have them, but when they criticizes Romney and then get mad when someone has the balls to say something they think is true about President Obama, then they are stepping on that persons rights. The Constitution guarantees me the right of freedom of speech. President Obama has given us more debt than any other president before him, he promised to cut the countrys deficit is half by the end of his first term as president, he hasnt. He had two years of a Democratic controlled House and Senate to accomplish what he had promised; all he did was raise my insurance premium, cut my cost of living allowance and reduce my veterans benefits, I was promised for my service to this country. The man will not say the word terrorism. We are a war with terrorist not work place violence or people who practice their right of Freedom of Speech. The leader of our country should not be apologizing to anyone for us practicing our constitution rights.

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson
Everyone has their own political views and the right to have them, but when they criticizes Romney and then get mad when someone has the balls to say something they think is true about President Obama, then they are stepping on that persons rights. The Constitution guarantees me the right of freedom of speech. President Obama has given us more debt than any other president before him, he promised to cut the countrys deficit is half by the end of his first term as president, he hasnt. He had two years of a Democratic controlled House and Senate to accomplish what he had promised; all he did was raise my insurance premium, cut my cost of living allowance and reduce my veterans benefits, I was promised for my service to this country. The man will not say the word terrorism. We are a war with terrorist not work place violence or people who practice their right of Freedom of Speech. The leader of our country should not be apologizing to anyone for us practicing our constitution rights.

fishing and boating eh?