A new day, the sun rises over the darkness that befalls me. People are hash animals, nothing more. They just think they are better because they can reason. They want to hurt you so they can feel better about themselves. Death has moved on to those who have hurt me. I am strong. I can stand with pride knowing that I have give and not received. I have love with all my heart, and it has not been facilitated. Though I love her dearly, and she has broken my heart it is not crushed. It is her lost, my love, for it is stronger than the sea itself. One day soon she will wish she had return my love in sort, so that she could receive the benefits there of. I do sorry for my loss, because my heart is good and will ways forgive and forget. I am not a bad person, because I have issues with people not answering me when I ask them important question. I take care of people I love, and I do expect them to reciprocate in like manner. And they should, but people only think about themselves. SO Now I must think about myself. Damn all you people who think you are better than me. I know what I am, do you know what you are? Some day I will put my weapon in my mouth and blow my brains out over the red flower that can not love me, but not today. I have music to write and a business to build. Then when she comes to me, I will say no. 

You take care now love.