I also am an amateur radio operator, an amateur astronomer, and do photography as well. I have a general class license, which means I can transmit in all amateur radio frequency bands. I own an 8 inch Schmidt-Cassegrains telescope and a SBIG ST-237 Astro-camera, which has taking picture of M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy. You can look up M51 on Wikipedia, if you are interested. I do my earth-bound photography with a Nikon D40 camera. I have pictures for you to see, if you would like. I don't really like these dating sites through, they always cost you money you could spending on better things, like getting to know each other. My reading is mainly science orientated. Astronomy, Electronics, and Physics, like Elementary Quantum Mechanics. I play video games, both online and off on a PlayStation 3 gaming system. Its also plays my DVDs and Blue-Ray Movies. I also multitask on my computers. I have a Twitter account, Face Book Account, and MySpace page. I study all religions, but I am Christian orientated. I live in one of the hottest parts of America, it gets hot, but the winters are real mild. I also like to grow things. And I have a dog. Hope to hear from you soon. I like to grow thing, flowers, tree, and a garden. I like to fish but need a fishing partner. I like to go camping, but also need a camping partner.

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I'll be active as 2 Oscar Twelve London as part of a Team from Cray Valley RS in the Olympics. I am more of a contest or special event op these days, and am part of a contest team who have gone to EU11 most years for IOTA but not this year due to the Olympics