There once was a man, with a heart so big that everybody took advantage of him. He had no understanding of what they were doing. He gave and gave, they promised and promised. And he even gave more. Then one day the old man had nothing else to give. So they all went away in their own way. He asked and asked for help, but none was to be given. He pleaded with all he had been so nice to, but they were too concerned with their own problems to see, that the old man, had finally given up. People would always tell him don't do this, don't do that, but did anyone ever go to his aid and help him. I am afraid not. Weeks, turned into months, months into years. Old men arent wanted anymore. They only get the leftovers. You kindness, no touch on peace, no hugs of love. Just a room with one window. A nurse that could care less as long as her check clears. The old man weeps, and then shies. Then he sleeps, and is no more. No longer will he help the needy, the sorrowful, and those in pain. No longer can his lips feel a kiss or arms an embrace. Finally they put him in the ground and no one come to tend his grave. Forgotten is the fact of all the good he did for those that still walk this world. Words mean nothing,l only actions speak to those that care.
A Unknow Artist for no one unknows me.
A Unknow Artist for no one unknows me.
Kay I have no love but what others give me. They took away from me a long time ago.