The Counnty and City say I can'y have more than five animals of I have to have a special Kennel Lecences. So they can requlator me and make money off me. I support my animals all on my. Every penny comes from my fix retinrement stating 1 March 2012. I have dogs and cats that were giving to me so they would not be put to sleep by the Originized SPCA. i may a very caring person when it come to animals, people leave their cats outside my resident because they know i will care for they. and the city said i can't leave them food or water even in the dead of summer here, when the temperature reaches 125 dregrees f. I am not asking for anything but if you want to help my animals. Amd I can't say how many I have because the SPCA is always turning to shut me down. Spading cost a lot, 954 TO 150$ depending on what animal and what size, food shots, city and county reqiured tags.

The Counnty and City say I can'y have more than five animals of I have to have a special Kennel Lecences. So they can requlator me and make money off me. I support my animals all on my. Every penny comes from my fix retinrement stating 1 March 2012. I have dogs and cats that were giving to me so they would not be put to sleep by the Originized SPCA. i may a very caring person when it come to animals, people leave their cats outside my resident because they know i will care for they. and the city said i can't leave them food or water even in the dead of summer here, when the temperature reaches 125 dregrees f. I am not asking for anything but if you want to help my animals. Amd I can't say how many I have because the SPCA is always turning to shut me down. Spading cost a lot, 954 TO 150$ depending on what animal and what size, food shots, city and county reqiured tags.