Watchless Anti-Socialite Learns New Trick
December 8, 2005
An area woman described by acquaintances as "somewhat anti-social" has discovered a way for persons without a watch, pager, working cell phone or portable sundial to determine the time. While details are still forthcomming, it seems this method involves the individual making a small purchase, which differs depending on need and location, and noting the printed time on the receipt. The discoverer of this method is quoted as saying, "If you are like me, then you are probably too shy to ask someone for the time, and if you were ever to get up the courage to ask them they probably wouldn't be able to hear you anyway and would ask you to repeat yourself, possibly over and over again until they heard you and you were embarassed. With my method, you can avoid this whole mess and still find out what time it is. Unless of course you forget your receipt and then have to run back into the store. But that's an entirely different matter." When we asked if it wouldn't just be easier to buy a watch, the area woman responded, "Maybe. That's something I'll have to look into." In the meantime the impact of this discovery is not fully known but it is expected to be far reaching. Or something.
December 8, 2005
An area woman described by acquaintances as "somewhat anti-social" has discovered a way for persons without a watch, pager, working cell phone or portable sundial to determine the time. While details are still forthcomming, it seems this method involves the individual making a small purchase, which differs depending on need and location, and noting the printed time on the receipt. The discoverer of this method is quoted as saying, "If you are like me, then you are probably too shy to ask someone for the time, and if you were ever to get up the courage to ask them they probably wouldn't be able to hear you anyway and would ask you to repeat yourself, possibly over and over again until they heard you and you were embarassed. With my method, you can avoid this whole mess and still find out what time it is. Unless of course you forget your receipt and then have to run back into the store. But that's an entirely different matter." When we asked if it wouldn't just be easier to buy a watch, the area woman responded, "Maybe. That's something I'll have to look into." In the meantime the impact of this discovery is not fully known but it is expected to be far reaching. Or something.
Why so far from home??
Looking back in your journal I ran across the picture of you standing in the snow. It is beautiful, my favorite one of you.