So, I was gone a lot longer than it seemed. 21 days, to be exact. Can you believe it? I spent my days watching CSI and playing Sims2.
And when the Comcast service man got here, you know what he did? He changed my internet settings. It took him under one minute to get my internet working. Why the hell couldn't they have walked me through that shit on the PHONE?! He said it would have been too confusing for me. And then I wanted to punch him.
Either way, I am back. Yay online.
I started taking Paxil and Lamictal to help with my depression/anxiety/imafuckingcrazybitch. It's beginning to help, but I'm still not comfortable around people. And my dad suggested that, in addition to going back to school, I start volunteering with people so I can make new friends. I tried to explain to him that shoving me into crowded social situations is not helpful to my condition, but he seems to think that I should 'give back', as he puts it. That I have so much it's selfish of me to not go out and volunteer with people. Nevermind that my 3 older brothers were all given the same financial opportunities as me, but squandered their money. One of them bought a house and boat, refuses to work, and has 3 kids. One is on meth, 'tricks' out his car, and had his kid taken away by CPS. The other is doing well, has 4 kids and is in Iraq right now. So, I guess that my dad wants at least 50% of his children to be of service to society.
Understandable. Except that I have heart palpitations like crazy when I'm out in public. I went into Subway for a sandwich today and could barely breathe.
But there's no use arguing with my dad when he's made up his mind. So I cried a little, hung up the phone, bought some skittles and now I'm venting to you folks. After 21 I doubt you care, but that's the way it is.
I love you all, btw.
And when the Comcast service man got here, you know what he did? He changed my internet settings. It took him under one minute to get my internet working. Why the hell couldn't they have walked me through that shit on the PHONE?! He said it would have been too confusing for me. And then I wanted to punch him.
Either way, I am back. Yay online.
I started taking Paxil and Lamictal to help with my depression/anxiety/imafuckingcrazybitch. It's beginning to help, but I'm still not comfortable around people. And my dad suggested that, in addition to going back to school, I start volunteering with people so I can make new friends. I tried to explain to him that shoving me into crowded social situations is not helpful to my condition, but he seems to think that I should 'give back', as he puts it. That I have so much it's selfish of me to not go out and volunteer with people. Nevermind that my 3 older brothers were all given the same financial opportunities as me, but squandered their money. One of them bought a house and boat, refuses to work, and has 3 kids. One is on meth, 'tricks' out his car, and had his kid taken away by CPS. The other is doing well, has 4 kids and is in Iraq right now. So, I guess that my dad wants at least 50% of his children to be of service to society.
Understandable. Except that I have heart palpitations like crazy when I'm out in public. I went into Subway for a sandwich today and could barely breathe.
But there's no use arguing with my dad when he's made up his mind. So I cried a little, hung up the phone, bought some skittles and now I'm venting to you folks. After 21 I doubt you care, but that's the way it is.
I love you all, btw.
But, yes, I'm stealing you away. Mwahahaha