Hello! It's been a while since I've posted any of my artworks here, but I thought that this might appeal to the SG community. It's up for scoring at Threadless https://www.threadless.com/designs/guilty-3, please head on over give me a score and leave a comment if you have time. For anyone who doesn't know about it, the Court of the Dead comes from Sideshow Collectables, and is...
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2016 looks like the biggest fuck up year ever. That's what this is about. Would appreciate votes and comments over at Threadless. Also, there is a nude plumber on there! x Scoring here
My latest design, a homage to Joy Division is up for scoring at Threadless. Please check it out, vote and comment here
Hey @sophoulla you seen this?
Awesome news - they printed my design based on Maja's Shirt!
…I finished this which I'd started before the last. Inspired by @sophoulla again, it's scoring here, if you want to leave a comment and vote, I'll love you forever!
Really proud of all of the designs I've done with the help of the beautiful girls (@CARAPHERNELIA @CHEFBETH@TCHABADA & @MAVIS_)who volunteered themselves. This is the third and I was super chuffed when @sophoulla agreed to be my final victim! Please head on over to Threadless, vote, comment, share and go nuts for this HERE'S THE LINK xxx